8 Inspiring Food Packaging Designs
In today’s modern world, food brands are competing in a chaotic and over-crowded market. Staying top of mind and winning your customer’s affection takes more than just a great product, it takes eye-catching packaging. Here are 8 thought-worthy and clever packaging designs putting concept, colors, texture, form, usability, and creativity to work.
1. Hanger Tea – the name and packaging says it all. Taking the simple notion of hanging your tea bag over the side of your cup, tea drinkers will appreciate this cleverly color-coded t-shirt tea bag design. Each color represents a different flavor and the tea bags are hung from a railing inside a closet for easy viewing, just like your dressing room closet. (Source: Yanko Design)
2. Gnome Bread – what comes to mind when you hear the words “Gnome Bread?” Bread made by gnomes – how could that possibly be? Bread in the shape of gnomes? Getting warmer. This bread’s simple, white sleeve packaging might resemble a popular North Pole character until you slide their specialty bread intoit creating a gnome-like figure. (Source: BuzzFeed)
3. Doritos – they would be a lot more fun to eat if they came from a transformational package like this. Playing off the toasted corn chip’s triangular shape, texture, and color, this multi-dimensional “box” surely stands out in the chip aisle. Plus, it’s structurally designed to be re-sealable (forgot those chip clips) and stands in an up-right position for easy snacking. (Source: Petar Pavlov)
4. Beijing Buffet Fortunes – fortune cookies are a staple ending to any Asian meal. You look forward to seeing their manilla, wonton-shape air-packaged in a clear plastic bag. Packing is more than keeping food products fresh and safe; it’s about that aesthetic “wow” factor. This fortune cookie packaging offers surprise and delight with fun animal paper packaging mimicking the cookie’s unique shape. (Source: Caroline Brickell Design)
5. Premium Eggs – which came first – the chicken, the egg, or the packaging? Egg packing doesn’t get more natural with this rustic egg carton enclosing softly laid eggs resting in a bed of hay. It’s so surreal, you can just picture this scene inside the chicken coop. (Source: Behance)
6. Pistachios – this brand has recently made a big scene in the marketing space with celebrity TV commercials. However, this packaging design nicely compliments its branding efforts in its entirety. Playfully imitating the ins and outs of a real pistachio, the pistachio-shaped box makes eating healthy enjoyable. (Source: Maija Rozenfelde)
7. Fixa – peeling carrots and slicing cheese are often normal kitchen tasks. Fixa makes you envision using their kitchen tools in real life with real food by displaying actual food images with each corresponding tool. You can almost taste it. (Source: BVD)
8. Delhaize soup – many soup cans and containers attempt to portray home-style cooking origins but few are successful. Delhaize soup packaging portrays life-like images of real ingredients communicating a sense of high quality ingredients and service behind it. Soup is made to warm the soul; just by glancing at this packaging makes you gain trust in what’s being offered. (Source: The Dieline)
Make a great first impression with your packaging design by contacting Rex 3 today!